Meeting with the Master - 2 (TCH#5)


(Photo courtesy : Ramcharit Manas - Manoj Publications)
In the Kishkindha Kand of Ramcharit Manas, Goswami Tulsidas narrates the conversation between Hanuman and his master, Lord Ram, as they meet for the first time. Hanuman recognizes his master and surrenders himself completely to him, achieving the perfection of his existence by serving such a divine master. This interaction between a leader and a team member holds valuable lessons for us in the corporate world, particularly in communication and building relationships.

In the conversation between Hanuman and Lord Ram, we see Hanuman acknowledging his faults and surrendering himself to his master. He declares that he knows nothing about devotional service and remains confident in his master's care. Hanuman also remembers his boss Sugreev and immediately works towards creating a win-win situation for both Ram and Sugreev. This resembles modern-day organizations' merger and acquisition processes and joint ventures.

Look at these few chaupais and their meaning below to exactly understand the above facts:

Tav maya bas phirau bhulana. Tate main nahin prabhu pahichana.

Ek main mand mohabas kutil hriday agyaan.

Puni prabhu mohi bisaareu deenabandhu bhagwan.

Jadapi naath bahu avagun more. Sevak prabhui parai jani bhore.

Naath jeev tav mayaan mohaa. So nistarae tumhaarehin chohaa.

Ta par main raghubir dohaai. Jaanau nahin kachu bhajan upaai.

Tab raghupati uthaai ur laavaa. Nij lochan jal seenchi judaavaa.

Sunu kapi jiyan manasi jani oona. Taim mam priya lakhiman te doona.

Samadarsee mohi kah sab koou. Sevak priya ananya gati sou.

Dekhi pavan sut pati anukoola. Hriday harasha beeti sab soola.

Naath sail par kapipati rahai. So sugreev daas tav ahaai.

Tehi san naath mayatri kije.  Deen jaani tehi abhay karije.

So sita kar khoj karaaihi. Jah taha markat koti pathaaihi.

Ehi bidhi sakal katha samujhaai. Lie dau jan peethi chadhaai.

Jab sugreev ram kahun dekha. Atisay janma dhany kari lekha.Bottom of Form


Meaning: I am under the control of your illusion and thus I could not recognize you, my Lord. I am foolish, under the influence of desire, with a crooked and ignorant heart. O friend of the distressed, even you have forgotten me!

O Lord! Although I have many faults, do not forget your servant. O Lord! The living entity is deluded by your illusion. He can only be delivered by your mercy.

Then Hanuman said, "Although I am full of faults, my Lord, I am your servant and have surrendered to you. O Raghuvir, I declare with your permission that I know nothing about devotional service. Your servant always remains confident in the care of his master and mother."

Saying this, Hanuman fell at Lord Ram's feet and revealed his true form. His heart filled with love. Then Lord Ram picked him up and embraced him, cooling him with the water from His eyes. He said, "Listen, O monkey! Do not be disheartened. You are dearer to me than even Lakshmana. Everyone says that I am impartial, but you are my favourite servant because no one else can be of help to me once you leave. O Hanuman, the only one who is devoted to me with unwavering intelligence is one who understands that I am his master, and that this entire material world is but a manifestation of my supreme form."

Seeing Hanuman's devotion, Lord Ram felt pleased, and all his sorrows vanished. He said, "O Lord, Sugriva, the king of the monkeys, resides on this mountain. He is your servant. O Lord, befriend him, make him fearless knowing he is distressed. He will search for Sita and send millions of monkeys in all directions."

Thus, Hanuman narrated everything and carried both Ram and Lakshmana on his back. When Sugriva saw Lord Ram, he considered himself blessed beyond measure.

The interaction between Hanuman and Ram teaches us the importance of recognizing and acknowledging our faults and surrendering ourselves to our leaders. It also highlights the significance of building and nurturing relationships with our colleagues and superiors, as Hanuman did with Sugreev and Ram. These lessons are valuable for us in the corporate world and can help us become better leaders and team members.





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