Extraordinary Communicator-1 (TCH#6)


As we delve into the first encounter between Ram and Hanuman, it's important to focus on an often-overlooked aspect: the art of communication. While Ramcharit Manas doesn't delve much into this topic, Valmiki Ramayan sheds light on it in the third section (sarg) of Kishkindha Kand.

In shlokas 27 and 28, Shri Ram advises Laxman to interact with Hanuman, noting that he is not only Sugreev's minister but also a brave person who has defeated all his enemies.

“Tamabhyabhap Saumitrey Sugreevsachivam kapim.
Vakyagyam madhurervakye: snehyuktarmarandam.(27)

NanRugvedvineetasy NaYajurveddharin:
NaSamvedvidush: shakyamevam prabhaashitum. (28)

 [Meaning: “O Laxman, please interact with Hanuman, who is not only the minister of Sugreev, but he is a brave person who has destroyed all his enemies. The way he has been talking to us is not possible for anyone who has have the deepest study and knowledge of three major Veds (namely- Rigved, Yajurved, and Samved)].

In shlokas 29 to 33, Maharshi Valmiki describes the qualities of Hanuman's exceptional communication skills as observed by Ram, which include :

  1. A thorough knowledge of grammar to ensure flawless language,
  2.  Proper synchronization of the eyes, forehead, and other parts of the body when speaking,
  3. A balanced length and speed of speech.
  4. The vocal performance should be of high quality and come from the heart and throat to sound genuine and not artificial.
  5. The voice should also be ear-pleasing and compel enemies too to listen to you.

Ram concludes by stating that any king with a minister like Hanuman would be successful in all their endeavors.

“Evamvidho yasy dooto na bhavetparthivasy tu.
Sidhyanti hi katham tasy karyaanam gatayoanagh.”

(Valmiki Ramayan, Kishkindha Kand, sarg-3, Shlok-34)

Our many of upcoming blog posts will continue to delve deeper into Hanuman's communication skills and showcase how we can apply his techniques in various scenarios with diverse audiences. Hanuman's communication prowess teaches us the importance of considering what, how, and how much we communicate in different places, situations, and projects. Undoubtedly, Hanuman stands as one of the most exceptional communicators of all time, and we can learn valuable lessons from his expertise.


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